Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I've been picking up Emma and her 3 siblings on Wed- nesday evenings, to transport them to our kids club at church. Whoa. It's quite a different atmosphere in the minivan. Louder voices. Kids yelling "Sarah!" at any moment, especially when I'm in a conversation with someone else. Garbage on the floor. Not buckling seatbelts. Fighting with siblings. Potty talk. Tattling. Many times I'm praying for patience.

But little by little I have been encouraged by spiritual awakenings, or funny situations. Someone says, "listen to me say my verse." OR "I pray every night with my stuffed animals." OR "I want to sit by Moira. I like Moira." OR "these songs are great. Can we sing that one again?" I've been able to mediate a fight and talk about 'being sorry'. I've been able to comfort a crying girl with a skinned knee. I've been able to smile among the hard stuff and remind myself that their home-life is different. God keeps giving me new areas on which to grow my character.