Thursday, January 29, 2009

On Saturday we toured our state capitol. It is absolutely amazing! It took eleven years to build (com- pleted 1917), has granite, stone, and marble from around the world, and has the 4th largest dome in the world (volume). The mosaics, murals, and natural light prompted me to stare and say, 'wow!' Some estimate the building to be worth 2 billion dollars. The tour gal did her little recitation in each area and gave us an insight into the world of state government. I'd recommend the tour to any Wisconsin resident.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dad and I went on a trail ride. Covered about 35 - 40 miles, traversing over farm fields and through wooded paths. We ate lunch at a truck stop restaurant. The temperature was mild enough, not much wind, and I had purchased some hand and toe warmers (which really helped out!). There are certain snowmobile trails that ATV's are not allowed on, there are bunches of twists, turns, and intersections, and we cannot be on the trails when it's above 28 degrees, but my dad knows all this stuff and makes a good leader.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Claire is FIVE today! HAPPY BIRTH- DAY, sweet niece! She attends preschool, can dance up a storm, and loves to laugh so hard that she becomes breathless. Her compassion for others is delightful to see. Claire likes to pick up her brother Zeke and say, "come here, baby". Now, at 18 months, Zeke isn't as cooperative. So it's great that Lucy has arrived and Claire can be the second mom to "baby Lucy".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We are friends with a 5th grade girl. She comes to our weekly kids club at church, and we provide her transportation. It's interesting to hear her comments on school, home-life, sisters, boys, the kids club, etc. Julie can really make us smile, and many times we laugh out loud. She and her family are Hmong (a people group originally from southeast Asia). I've known Julie's older sister, Daly, since 2002, when she was attending our kids club and other youth events. In December Julie handed us a gift bag and said, "Here's a present for you. Don't open it until Christmas." It sat in our living room for 2 weeks, unopened and a mystery. Imagine my surprise on Christmas when I pulled out a beautiful applique' wallhanging. It is amazing. I've since found out it's called a "Paj ntaub", or flower cloth. It's about 17 inches square. Julie's mom did most of the intricate handwork, but Julie and her sisters helped with it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

When we started the new year in Iowa, it was to gather at a hotel with my parents and my siblings (and their families). Due to the distance for Hannah's family and the preemie arrival of Lucy, this holiday was different, but fun. John and I stayed two nights. The hotel pool was a great place to congregate. The nieces and nephews tiptoeing around the shallow end with their necks craned and faces turned upward. Some were celebrating how they can go under water. The boys were playing basketball, dunking and practically strangling each other to try to snatch the ball. Bekah and I choreographed a little dance in the water. Kids dangled off of adults shoulders in the deep end. Everyone enjoyed the whirlpool. Since the hotel had LOW occupancy, there was plenty of space and availability for our little group, which made it extra special.

Friday, January 9, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB! He's Hannah's oldest boy and he turned eight years old on Wednesday. Caleb is an active boy, enjoying exercise and movement. His father has taught him many things about insects and bugs, so Caleb enthusiastically searches for critters and reptiles. He's also sensitive to God's leading. I can remember a time when I was visiting their house, and a possibility of something huge was in the air for their family. Caleb was asking questions and becoming excited about this change, so immediately he just prayed out loud, "God, help us to know what to do. If you want us to or don't want us to, show us." A young man depending on the Lord...continue on, Caleb! Love you.

Monday, January 5, 2009

After seeing my siblings and my parents in Iowa, John and I traveled home on Saturday. There was freezing rain, the type where you can't keep your windshield wipers from chunking with ice. We saw 6 cars in the ditch, drove about 45 mph, and had to stop a couple times to scrape the windshield and the blades. Of course we arrived home later than expected, but happy that we made it safely.