Thursday, May 6, 2010


Good bye.

I have decided to discontinue this blog. It's been fun chronicling parts of my last two years. Thanks to those of you who checked my posts and gave me verbal or email comments. It's been a neat experience.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

On our trip to Houston in March we stopped in Oklahoma City. First we went to the History Museum, where we learned where the name 'Sooner' comes from. I enjoyed reading and seeing so much information about the various tribes of Native American Indians. Then we toured the state capitol and sat in on a live senate session. I was reprimanded by a security guard for standing we ducked out the door quietly. Something that caught our attention was that the capitol was built in 1917 but didn't have a dome. The original blueprints specified a dome but budget constraints, politics and shortages of material due to the war prevented the dome from being erected - until 2002. We studied some beautiful artwork, then saw a portrait of this lady. You should read about her life and see if you are as impressed as we were:

Mrs. Lamar Looney became Oklahoma's first female State Senator in 1921 and was elected to public office before women had the right to vote. She was born Mirabeau Lamar Cole in 1871, named after the second president of the Republic of Texas. Prior to her political career, Mrs. Looney was a young widow with five children under the age of ten when she filed a claim for a quarter section of land near Hollis. She traded her organ for a team of mules and build her own sod house. With only the help of her ten-year old son, she planted her first crop of 20 acres. In 1912, Mrs. Looney was elected registrar of deeds for Harmon County and was later elected county treasurer. In 1916, she was elected Harmon County Clerk, and in 1920, friends persuaded Mrs. Looney to enter the Oklahoma State Senate race.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Iowa family came for their Spring Break. Usually there's snow to play in and sleds to slide on. This year was different with balmy spring temps. We sent some popsicle- stick boats down a swollen creek, and Zeke just plowed through the water with his winter boots. It was exciting to hear Isaac read books aloud, and see his homemade stories with illustrations. Claire and Maddie dragged me downstairs to play house. They were both the babies and I was the mom. Then about 7 minutes later one of them says, "ok now I'm 15".

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Before we arrived in Houston we stopped in the Dallas area to see my sister and her family. They have been called to minister to low-income Latino and African-American families. There is a little church started in their apartment complex, plus childrens' activities, English classes, and Bible studies. Jonathan and Hannah are also able to arrange food distribution, furniture, health services, etc. for needy persons. It's been some good stretching years for them, learning how to love unconditionally and even when you're exhausted. Mostly Jonathan realizes how vital it is to lean on God's strength, for it's difficult to minister in your own power.

We enjoyed two meals with our family, saw their homeschool assignments, and gave our niece and nephew their spelling tests. So great to see their environment and give hugs all around!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

We stayed overnight in Missouri at my friend Angie's house. Her three girls are interesting, funny, and kind-hearted. Melanie is a sophomore and is great in track, plays basketball, and has a horse (Chief) and a dog (Fly). I tagged along with her as she did her morning animal chores. Maria then came out to care for the two goats. John and I enjoyed a leisurely morning and a delicious breakfast as we chatted with Angie. We also got to observe the homeschooling routine of the younger two girls.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A long driving trip to Texas. It was great to see friends and family, especially Travis! God allowed some awesome sunny weather over the weekend and we basked in the warmth (golfing, walking, sitting on benches). It was a joy to see Travis and his girlfriend Emily as they interacted. Love is in the air :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

He's a starter for the local High School basketball team, and we know him from church. This is his senior year and he's a 3-sport busy guy. Mike even dealt with a broken arm during the football season. He and John like to talk basketball, and this is the second game we've attended this season.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Forcing some spring bulbs always brings a 'green hopefulness' to these continually cold days. These paperwhites sprung up in a pot near my kitchen window. I wasn't very fond of the scent though.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drove to Cincinnati to see John's dad and enjoy his company. Talked, looked at pictures, went out to eat. The three of us played some Skipbo. (Surprisingly, this was John's first time playing!) Wayne did great and whipped us in the first two games. We are grateful that his dad gets assistance through his complex. John's brother Dave lives nearby and is a kind-hearted man who really helps out a lot.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some of the big trees on the land were pruned Friday. Some other trees were dropped. Dad has been steadily working on felling, cutting, and splitting. He's helping clear an area for us, plus he's providing wood to heat his house.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The girls (and Zeke) were constantly applying clear lip gloss during their 5-day visit. Grandma had given each their own gloss to help with chapped lips, and they pulled the tubes out of their pocket every hour and applied the flavored gooey stuff. On Christmas Eve, during our white elephant exchange, Justin received some lipstick and he quietly handed it off to Claire, saying, "Hey, do you want this?". A few minutes later Claire and Lydia nonchalantly walk into the room. There was no way to go unnoticed with their ruby red lips!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Most of the kids came inside with rosy cheeks and cold hands. They didn't mind letting me cradle their faces or enclose their fingers in mine. Usually they were smiling, catching their breath, and reporting on what happened outside.

The day after Christmas brought a short visit from Luke. His girlfriend Cheyanne came along and we had some nice opportunities to visit. Cheyanne hopes to graduate this semester with a nursing degree.

I feel so privileged to spend time with my boys. There's a time in everyone's life where they want to distance themselves from their parents and stay far away. I totally understand that. Our boys had those stages. Now, though, I am warmly blessed that our kids actually choose to talk and spend time with us. Just expressing my thankfulness...